General Amable-Henry Delaage
Born: February 19, 1745
Place of Birth: Saint-Savin, Vienne, France
Died: September 30, 1797
Place of Death: Oost-Capppel, France
Arc de Triomphe: DELAAGE on the north pillar
A career soldier, Amable-Henry Delaage enlisted in the infantry regiment of Dauphin in 1762. The next year he was commissioned as a sous-lieutenant and then thirteen years later in 1776 he received a promotion to lieutenant. Delaage's next promotion didn't take quite so long as he was promoted to capitaine in 1779. In 1784 he was named a Knight of Saint Louis.
After the onset of the Revolution, in January of 1791 Delaage was promoted to lieutenant colonel. That October he was promoted to colonel of the 24th Infantry. In September of 1792 Delaage was again promoted, this time to maréchal de camp, and he served with the Army of the Moselle. Next Delaage served in d'Aboville's division and then in February of 1793 he was promoted to lieutenant général. Delaage took command of the advance guard of the Army of the Moselle and in June of 1793 he distinguished himself at the combat of Arlon. Afterwards he was employed at Givet until that September when he was suspended.
General Delaage returned to the army in March of 1796 and he joined the Army of the North. That August he took command of the 3rd Division. A year later in September of 1797 Delaage died suddenly at Oost-Cappel.
Updated June 2016
© Nathan D. Jensen