General Jean-André Valletaux

Jean-André Valletaux
Général de brigade who served in the Corps Législatif for a time and was killed at Cogorderos

Born: November 23, 1757

Place of Birth: Hiersac, Charente, France

Died: June 23, 1811

Cause of Death: Killed in action

Place of Death: Quintina del Rey, Spain

Arc de Triomphe: VALLETAUX on the west pillar


A career soldier, Jean-André Valletaux first enlisted in 1779 in the regiment of Aunis and five years later in 1782 he was promoted to sergeant. The next notable moment in his military career came ten years later in 1792 when he joined the Constitutional Guard of the King. In September of 1792 Valletaux joined the 4th Battalion of Volunteers of La Charente where he was made a lieutenant colonel. His unit went on to serve with the Army of the North, and in 1794 he served in General Souham's division. That year he also fought at the siege of Bois-le-Duc where he was wounded in the right hip by a ball. Afterwards, Valletaux was promoted to général de brigade and made governor of Bois-le-Duc for a short time before he joined Delmas' division.

In January of 1795 Valletaux traveled to the Army of the Coast of Brest and two months later he was suspended in functions when he was accused by the gendarmerie. A month later the representatives of the people reintegrated him into the army, and that July Valletaux served during the attack on Fort Penthièvre. At the beginning of the new year of 1796, he took over command of the department of Côtes-du-Nord. Valletaux was not particularly active within the military for the next many years. In 1802 he became a deputy of Côtes-du-Nord in the Corps Législatif and in 1803 he became a member of the Legion of Honor.

Valletaux resumed an active command when in August of 1809 he took command of the 3rd Brigade of Rivaud's division. Sent to Spain, he won at Fresno in October of 1810. A month later he commanded General Bonet's advance guard at the combat of Grado, and then in March of 1811 he fought at the mountain of Puelo. In June of 1811 during the Battle of Cogorderos he was killed near the village of Quintina del Rey.


Updated September 2015

© Nathan D. Jensen